Monday, November 3, 2008

Monday again

Well, we had a lovely weekend up at Oak Mountain State Park, you can see our cabin in the picture above - just up the hill behind the pavillion. It's very near to Birmingham so only takes about an hour and a half to drive there. This is great as as much as I like our weekends in Destin the three and a half hour drive to get there is a pain in the butt.
This is the view from our cabin veranda early on Saturday morning. We went shopping in Birmingham in the morning and then Tom & Nick spent the afternoon biking around the park while Lily and I went for a walk in the forest around the side of the lake. Sunday morning was spent doing the same and then we packed up and headed home for a very late lunch at Carrabas. We all had big pasta meals and spent the rest of the day trying to digest the food - I for one was exceedingly full up and had to lounge for the rest of the day.
You will have to ignore my comments on the video because you can see the jump after all.

It's a very small jump, but it's a definite jump.

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