Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Brrr, its cold (for a change)

No photos to show but we had a fabulous lunch with friends on Sunday.
Tim & Deanna came round with Willa and Ethan and Quan & Dustin came round with Dustin, Seth, Kelie & Rian so we had a full house.
Having learnt from past lunches I decided to just serve the children with hot dogs or hamburgers otherwise no one eats anything - is British cooking that different from American?
The adults had lamb with spuds and roasted veg so that was easy as it was all cooked in the oven and there was no stove top shenanigans to worry about. Pecan pie was for pud (obviously not homemade) and then cheese for afters. All served up with copious quantities of red wine. I finally feel fully recovered from the afternoon.
I felt very tired on Monday but did manage to play tennis and have a 15 minute run on the treadmill. I think I lasted until 8.30 before calling it a day and going to bed.

Yesterday it was really cold here and today the temperature did actually drop below freezing, and when you are not used to it anymore it feels even more cold than it should do. The kids got hot milk in their cereal this morning to cosy them up. After school we had a trip to the uniform shop to buy Tom some long sleeved shirts for school and I bought them both vests this morning when I was out.
Tom & I saw a coyote this afternoon while we were driving to the uniform shop. Poor Lily didn't manage to see it though so we had to play down the excitement factor, well I thought it was exciting anyway - I've never seen a coyote before, have you?

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