Saturday, May 10, 2008

Its Hot Already

Well, its officially hot and humid already, we had a massive thunderstorm on Thursday night and Toms baseball game had to finish early. The lightning started as we raced home along the interstate but luckily we got home before the rain really started. As usual our sun room flooded and we had to bail out two large buckets full of dirty rain water.

This morning was Toms final baseball game against 'the parents'. It was a close game but the boys won by one run. Tom was very pleased, so was I actually as even though the parents had to play left handed I managed to hit the ball and run to the bases. Hopefully Deanna managed to get some photos of us all in action so I will post them when I get them.

The rest of the weekend should be quiet, just lounging around the pool and chilling out. Will let you know how Lily's ballet recital goes on Tuesday.

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