Monday, May 19, 2008

Hey Ho

Another week has passed in a haze of ballet recitals, end of season parties, birthday parties and a visit to the Alabama Nature Reserve for a talk on snakes native to Alabama - apparently there are 41 with 6 of these being venomous.
I'm afraid with our lack of skill and crap camera this is the best we could do for the ballet recital, -must go shopping for a new camera before our summer holiday. The recital was a success except for our error in not buying a bouquet to present to our little star at the end. 'My bad' as Lily would say. Yes, unfortunately she has turned into quite the little american.

1 comment:

Helen Sh said...

Hey Mrs

Good for you getting your blog updated more than mine :) yes I know I need to update. Will email you about the angel later. Love to all
