Backt to last night though, Nick and Rach ended up going swimming, Rach was moaning about how much weight she has put on during her trip and then proceeded to break the step ladder while climbing out of the pool...priceless....needless to say, poor Rach was mortified and is having to put up with much ribbing from Nick
Also meant to mention that while we were sitting out on Sunday night we saw a shooting star, which was amazing, I don't think I've ever seen one that spectacular before.
There was a big meteorite shower over Alabama in Nov 1833 which is why the number plates in Alabama have 'Stars Fell on Alabama' written on them. Little bit of trivia for you.
This is my number plate which Nick bought me for my birthday last year, I was really embarrassed about it at first but now think its kind of cool. talking of number plates there are many weird and wonderful ones about here, I wish I had a camera with me so I could take snaps of them when I come across them out and about, UNVRKNW - that one took me ages to work out, 4PSNAPD, MOMOF4, STJ MOM, PRAISIN, ATHEIST - which was pretty gutsy since we're in the 'bible belt' down here.