Monday, April 5, 2010

A Happy Easter

Baseball season arrived with gusto this week and Tom has played 2 games so far, with another 2 scheduled for this week (along with various practices) , unfortunately his team has lost both games but they have been very exciting and close run things.
Stephanie & Iain made it to Montgomery on Friday for the Easter weekend which was great and Lily & Grace were pleased to see each other again. As it was warm and sunny all the children ended up in the pool for the first time this year (Andrew being the eldest (and most sensible ) was first out and didnt go back in again all weekend!) Grace, Tom & Lily however, were in and out all weekend.
After a relaxed Friday afternoon we did a spot of sightseeing on Saturday morning, due to most of Montgomery being shut we managed to play at the playpark by Old Alabama Town before heading off to the Civil Rights Museum.
Then it was quickly home for Tom to grab a sandwich before heading off to baseball practice and then on to the IO Culture Day at Maxwell AFB to sample some cuisine from around the world.

So another busy day meant a nice relaxing evening at home playing games again. All too soon it was Sunday and after an egg hunt, a mini game of cricket, a splash in the pool for Grace, Tom & Lily and a bite of lunch it was time to say goodbye again until July when we shall meet up in St Andrews.
Now it's Monday and I have a busy week ahead of me with gardening stuff every day this week except Friday when I am at school volunteering at the Sports Day.

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