Monday, January 25, 2010

Weekend in Eufala

Last Wednesday saw me helping out in a public garden for the first time, it was quite nerve wracking being told to tidy up certain areas. It's easy to do in your own garden when there is no pressure on how it looks but when it is a garden that people visit it's a bit scary, what happens if I pull up a plant by mistake? Thankfully, all went well (at least no one said otherwise) and I plan to go back again this Wednesday. Also I helped tidy out weeds at Blount Park today, an altogether much easier task as the area was small and just had pansies and weeds in it, so no chance of mistakes there then.
On Thursday I was back at classes and learning all about soil (specifically soils of Alabama but I'm sure the knowledge will transfer back to Britain.) Then Thursday night Nick and I were on base for a Sponsor Appreciation Evening where Tim & Deanna were awarded a plaque for their services. Being complete dullards, Nick and I forgot the camera to record the event, sorry.
On Friday, Kate had invited all us Brit ladies round for a morning of card reading and a spot of lunch. What fun we had. I had a lovely reading full of good luck and Kate reckoned I was coming into money so should buy a lottery ticket but Alabama doesn't have a state lottery.
However, we were going to Lake Eufala for the weekend which borders Georgia and Georgia runs a state lottery so needless to say we drove across to Georgia on Saturday to buy a lottery ticket. Unfortunately my numbers didn't come up!
The children had been happily playing on this small sandy area in front of our cottage for some time when I looked out of the window and saw the above sign in the distance and said to Nick, I think that sign says something about an'alligator retreat'. I shot out of the cottage and raced over to discover that it did indeed mention alligators! Luckily it was a fairly cold day so none of them were out basking in the sun, thank goodness.

We spent the weekend going for walks, bike riding and throwing balls around and just relaxing. It was a lovely cottage but I think the general consensus was that we all prefer Oak Mountain State Park to this one.

We drove home on Sunday in time to celebrate Australia Day with all our Australian and International friends and then came home to relax before another busy week.

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