Thursday, June 4, 2009

A busy week

Thursday night we all went round to Kate & Ray's for a British barbecue. Thankfully there was no rain and we had a great time with the new Brits (Tom & Sian Burke with 2 boys Johnathon & Matthew, and Phil & Barbara Jones.)
Nick & I went to see The 3 Musketeers at the theatre on Friday night, I thought it was brilliant and am looking forward to 'A Comedy of Errors' this Sunday. Nick enjoyed it but not as much as me. We had a busy Saturday starting at Craig & Bernice's for a barbecue to say goodbye to everyone who was leaving Maxwell then we went on to Tim & Deanna's for another barbecue and birthday party for Ethan & Willa.

Aurelie, Olivier & Nick watching the water fight.
The children had a great time and so did we.
On Sunday Nick went off to Florida again on another course so the children and I spent the rest of the day lounging. Thankfully the weather has finally arrived (although as I write this it is raining again) and we have spent most of the week swimming and lying around relaxing. Yesterday we went to the cinema to watch 'Up'. Enjoyable, but a bit sad in places. Should have saved it for today as I think it is going to rain all day.

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