Thursday, April 2, 2009

Birthday (and crappy weather) Season is upon us

Lily was appalled when she discovered that her daddy still had to go to work on his birthday, but we still managed to celebrate with a nice hat (courtesy of Burger King) and a cake. There was even a modest pile of parcels for him to open.
On Saturday we were off to a belated St Patricks Day party up in Prattville. I was driving as Nick had spent most of the day watching the Six Nations Rugby on a large screen round at Scott & Emma Notman's house. This obviously involved drinking from around 10am and eating lots of delicious food. I picked him up from there around 3pm so he could come home and have a nap before the party that night. Then a few hours later went back round to pick up the Notmans and take them to the party too.
Sunday morning I went out for an early morning run since I was feeling fresh as a daisy from not drinking the previous day.
Tuesday night we had friends round for dinner and I was drinking, oh dear. They left after midnight having consumed large quantities of alcohol and I got to bed at about 1.30am, only to have to get up 5hours later to organise the children for school. Needless to say I was not feeling very fresh on Wednesday and did not go running.
Then on Sunday we had the Frantz's and the Arnold's round for a long and boozy lunch...Needless to say I was not feeling very fresh on Monday and did not go running.....Hmmm, something of a recurring theme there. Will I ever learn that 'everything in moderation' is the way to go?
Currently I am waiting for more bad weather to hit this afternoon, we have had masses of rain and thunderstorms over the last 2 weeks, very unseasonal but at least we have finally had enough rain to take us out of the drought status we have been in. The school has been in touch to say the children are being let out of school early today so we can get them home safe before the tornado sirens start going off and everything goes a little crazy, again.

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