Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Sometimes I wonder if anyone reads this other than my parents

Well, last weeks Pampered Chef event went well, with the girls ordering just over $500 worth of stuff. This meant I got $90 free product and a load of other discounts for hosting the party - now I am waiting on a huge parcel to arrive some time next week with everyone's stuff in it.
On Friday it was Lily's school play-Wack a doo Zoo. Lily had a singing part and performed well. There is a video at the end of this entry but be warned it's a bit wobbly.
Nick got back from Washington on Saturday with loads of washing and lots of work to catch up on. Sunday saw him working and me taking the children to the Pumpkin patch so Tom could get a pumpkin.
On Monday Lily's class had a school trip to the theatre to see Charlotte's Web, I got to go and see it too - it was fab. Luckily, I managed not to cry at the sad bit and therefore didn't embarrass myself or Lily. Unfortunately I missed out on my tennis lesson, which reminds me I still need to buy a racquet.
Last night was the school Fall Festival so I took Tom & Lily up to that. They got to run around with their friends for a couple of hours and play on various bouncy castle type things and a climbing wall while I wandered about chatting to various friends and finding lost parents for a couple of the children.
I have been trying to upload the video of Lily for the last 2 hours and it's just not happening so I am afraid you will have to do without. Sorry.


Helen Sh said...

Hey Mrs

I read! I may not update my blog very often but i do pop in and read yours :) Happy Pumpkin Carving, ours have just broken up for half term. Speak soon as I have a few things I want to chat with you about. Love Helenx

Caz said...

Hey Sarah

I read it too and I have put comments that you haven't even replied to, like the one about the jumping on the ball game in the pool!
