Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Labor Day Weekend

After a very long drive on Friday night we arrived at our log cabin in the Big South Fork River Area of Tennessee. On Saturday we went over the border into Kentucky and spent the morning looking around the locale. We got back late afternoon and the children enjoyed a splash around in our hot tub.
Sunday we visited a place called Angel Falls and saw this handsome fella above sunning himself on a log. Glad we saw it actually because not coming from America you forget about the wildlife and don't think to keep a look out for scary snakes when you are wandering around and scrabbling over rocks etc.

After a 4 mile walk and picnic lunch in the early part of the day we all went for a 2 hour horse ride in the late afternoon, yes, even Nick. He really enjoyed it, I think surprisising himself a little, of course now he thinks he is a bit of a cowboy. The children had a fab time and loved it when the horses went fast. I was enjoying it too until the pain started to take over. I seem to be the only one suffering from backache and chafed butt cheeks (wrong pants=chafing), You live and learn.

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