Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Back to school - at last

Well, we had an early start today as it was the first day of a new year at school, unfortunately I felt a bit shabby as we had friends round for dinner last night and I think I may have drank too much red wine. Actually, I don't feel that bad, just very tired, I woke at 3am and didnt get back to sleep - guess I was excited about school.
Anyway I got Tom & Lily safely off to school on time and then drove to work only to find I wasnt able to do anything as Tim had a meeting and needed the computer, oh well, its a nice drive and I saw a turtle out for a stroll.
Came home and tidied up last nights dishes and made the beds then sat down to write this with a cup of coffee and some hot buttered toast, yum yum.

We went to the cinema yesterday as a last day of hols treat and saw 'Space Chimps'. It was quite funny, if you go to see it Kilowatt was my favourite character.
Today school finishes at 11am so we are going to Burger King for lunch and a play with friends. Then a quiet afternoon watching 'Meet the Robinsons' on dvd (which I love) and homework if they have any.

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