Saturday, July 26, 2008

More Holiday Photos

This is Shamu from Sea World, I can't recommend this day highly enough, it was brilliant. Photos are slightly out of sequence as below is the Grand Canyon looking grand....

Above is Tom while watching the dolphin show at Sea World - you can see how wet we got!
Lily earning her drivers licence at Legoland - she seriously thinks she can drive now and has offered to drive for me once or twice, what a crazy girl.
Tom standing at Pier 33 before our trip to Alcatraz.

Its great to have the camera back and see all the photos from the missing part of our holiday, it seems like a long time ago now. We haven't been up to too much since getting back, Nick is busy preparing to be a teacher at Maxwell and the children have been busy getting on my nerves. Not really, but it is a very long summer holiday, they still have over 2 weeks left before they go back to school. We are off to Ray & Kate's this afternoon for a BBQ and splash about in the pool so there may be a beachball challenge to enter!

1 comment:

robert said...

Amazing photos..!! You must have enjoyed your trip also.