Sunday, August 30, 2009

Monopoly Moneybags

A fairly quiet week, we went to Neil & Dorothy's for dinner last Saturday and just relaxed at home the rest of the weekend. This week I have been out running 3 times and played golf with Bernice on Thursday. Just remembered, we all 4 of us played golf last Sunday, Tom was pretty good and now has a set of his own clubs. He is meant to be playing today with Nick, Tim & Ethan but the weather doesn't look too great so they may not get out. I am finally back into my running and am enjoying it immensely. Thank goodness, as it has taken a long time to get back into it.
Last night we had our first family game of Monopoly and Lily wiped the floor with us all. We had to continue the game this morning as it was getting late and Lily needed to go to bed. So today she ended up owning all the property and having £1840 while she managed to bankrupt everyone else. Nice one Lily.

Both Tom & Lily are sniffing away and seem to have a mild cold so I reckon I will have to keep them off school tomorrow due to the swine flu that is currently rampaging its way through the school. Bummer.

Friday, August 21, 2009

The hardest part of my blog seems to be thinking up a title each week

We had a boozy Saturday night last weekend when Ray, Kate, Barb, Greg & Briony came round for dinner along with Pete & Barbara. We were able to sit outside, eat, drink and generally be very noisy. I don't think we disturbed the neighbours as I don't think anyone else was outside. Anyway, that was a late night and so the next day I had a bit of a lie in and didn't get up until about midday. Then it was a fry up and a shower and I felt like new again. Ray & Kate were going up to the lake so Tom, Lily and I joined them for the afternoon.
In between rain showers Tom & Lily had a great time out on the lake. The water was so warm, definitely a very different experience from water skiing/ragging about a lake or loch back home. No wetsuits required here.
On Tuesday this week we had a couple of Nick's colleagues round for dinner, thankfully a more subdued affair than our Saturday bash, however I was still a bit rough around the edges on Wednesday and so missed out on my run and just lounged about all day and watched telly. Brilliant.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Back to school and routine at last.

It's been two weeks since my last blog and I'm trying to think what we have been doing. Gosh, that sounds like a confession or something.
Deanna took us on a visit to the bamboo forest out in Prattville, Tom didn't want to go because it would be 'boring' but as you can see he thoroughly enjoyed himself and managed to get filthy in the process. Then on Saturday we had Deanna and family round for the afternoon and evening along with Olivier, Aurelie and their 3 children and another Olivier, his wife Amelie and their 2 children. Not surprisingly, Sunday was a restful day.

Monday dawned and it was my birthday, I got 'Gone with the Wind' which I have seen in part many times on the tv but never in its entirety. I have to say I am enjoying reading the book very much so far. I also got a book token from Nick as well and I am really looking forward to going to browse the book store for some new books.

Tom and Lily bought me a jigsaw and I got 2 lovely tops and a scarf from Nick's mum & dad. I am wearing one in the picture, it goes perfectly with a couple of my skirts, "nice one Lesley, they were great choices and definitely me."
Wednesday finally arrived and the children went back to school, yay!! Boy, it's been another long summer. They both seem happy with their classes and teachers and now just need to get used to the early mornings again, I had to wake both of them this morning, I hate doing that. Hopefully they will have a lie in tomorrow morning.
I went running on Wednesday and again this morning and today was very hard, I ended up having to power walk as I was so tired after yesterdays session with the personal trainer (lots of squats and lunges = very tired legs today). Also it was hot, sunny and very humid. Not a nice combination, give me a cool British day instead please.