Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Are you up to the beachball challenge?

My Dad accepted the beachball challenge - jump off the diving board and keeping hold of the ball get it onto the ground by the side of the pool.
He managed to complete this challenge successfully, joining Nick, Rachel and myself - Caz I cant remember if you have done this or not - please let me know. Much to everyone's shock my mum had a go at the challenge, but unfortunately she did not succeed. Get the photo from my dad's camera - it is brilliant. This is from Sunday night, Ray another challenger failed but plans another attempt at some point in the future.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Happy Fathers Day

We had a massive thunderstorm yesterday and a surprise visitor at the back door! We're not sure where he came from or where he went afterwards as we went round to friends for a bite to eat and a few drinks.
Above is a photo of Deanna, my mum, Artie, Tim and me enjoying a good ole southern style dinner. Olivier, Nick and my dad are either hidden from view or taking the photo.

Its Fathers Day today so we went to Waffle House for breakfast, yippee - cheese n eggs for breakfast.
I've joined Facebook so have been busy working out how to use that and feeling very pleased with myself for doing so. tonight we are entertaining so hopefully we wont be rained on and can eat outside by the pool. Must remember I am working tomorrow morning so I cant drink too much wine!!!

Next post may not be for a few weeks as we are off on a 3 week holiday starting Wednesday, will bore you with details on our return.

Monday, June 9, 2008

Graduation Day

Mum & Dad arrived here last Thursday, the 5th and have been enjoying the back garden since, especially the pool. We have sent them away for a couple of days to the gulf coast to try and find some slightly cooler temps as it is unusually hot here just now.

Nick graduated from his course today, he came top of the class (of 482). Above is a gift from one of his mates on the course, Don Supon, it is obviously an American Flag but it is an American Flag that has flown above the US Capitol Building and comes with a certificate of authenticity and a presentation certificate to Nick..very nice.

Here is a video of Tom (assuming I have managed to upload it correctly) that we took with our smart new camera, unfortunately the arty photos I have tried to take so far dont look as good as the arty pics my friends take - could it be that I am just a crap photographer?